2017.09--2022.07 8858cc永利唯一官方网 基础数学 理学博士
2013.09--2017.07 8858cc永利唯一官方网 数学与应用数学 理学学士
2024.08至今 8858cc永利唯一官方网 助理教授
2022.08--2024.07 上海数学中心 博士后
(6) X. Lu, G. Xiong, J. Xiong, The Lp Minkowski problem for the electrostatic \mathfrak{p}-capcity for p>1 and \mathfrak{p}≥n, Asian Journal of Mathematics, 28 (2024) 47-78.
(5) X. Lu, J. Tao, G. Xiong, Sections of convex bodies and Hanner polytopes, Mathematische Annalen (2024).
(4) Y. Liu, X. Lu, Q. Sun, G. Xiong, The logarithmic Minkowski problem in R^2, Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 20 (2024) 869-902.
(3) X. Lu, G. Xiong, Lp John ellipsoids for negative indices, Israel Journal of Mathematics 255 (2023) 155-176.
(2) X. Lu, G. Xiong, The Lp Minkowski problem for the electrostatic \mathfrak{p}-capacity for \mathfrak{p}≥n, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 70 (2021) 1869-1901.
(1) X. Lu, Q. Sun, G. Xiong, A new approach to the Minkowski first mixed volume and the LYZ conjecture, Discrete & Computational Geometry 66 (2021) 122-139.
2023.07—2024.07,对数 Minkowski问题与对数Brunn-Minkowski不等式猜想的研究,中国博士后科学基金